All abstracts by Melinda Erickson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Quantification and Description of As Species in Aquifer Solids with µXASNicholas S, Gowan A, Knaeble A, Marcus M, Woodruff L, Erickson M, Lynch J & Toner B
(2014) Quantification of Arsenic Species in Aquifer Solids Using micro-XAS
Nicholas S, Knaeble A, Marcus M, Woodruff L, Erickson M & Toner B
(2012) Identifying the Arsenic Source in Glacial Aquifer Sediments, West-Central Minnesota, USA
Nicholas S, Toner B, Erickson M & Knaeble A
(2011) Mineral Sources of Arsenic from Glacial Aquifer Sediments to Well Water in Minnesota, USA
Nicholas S, Toner B, Erickson M, Woodruff L, Knaeble A & Meyer GN