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All abstracts by Kyung-Hoon Shin in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Nitrogen Source and Trophic Dynamics of Calanoid Copepod Calanus spp. in the Northwest Pacific and Subarctic Ocean
Shin K-H & Choi H

(2023) Spatio-Temporal Variation of Anthropogenic Origin Organic Matter and Nutrients in the Korean Estuary
Kim S-H, Lee D-H, Kim M-S, Park S & Shin K-H

(2020) Seasonal Nitrogen Baseline (δ15N) Variation of Sinking Particles in the Western Arctic Revealed by Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids
Choi H, Yang EJ, Kang S-H & Shin K-H

(2020) CSIA of Amino Acids in Zooplankton for Nitrogen Isotopic Baseline Estimation in North Western Pacific
Choi B, Lee Y, Chikaraishi Y, Park N, Noh J-H, Lee W-C, Shin K-H & Kwak I-S

(2019) Contribution of Nitrate Sources in the Complex River Catchment: An Integrated Nitrate Dual Isotopes and Hydrological Model Approach
Kim S-H, Lee D-H, Kim MS & Shin K-H

(2017) Determination of Nitrogen Isotopic Baseline in Western North Pacific Ocean Using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Amino Acid
Choi B, Won H, Yoo H, Ha S-Y, Yang EJ, Kang S-H & Shin K-H

(2016) Biogeochemical Characteristics of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Carbon in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Jung JY, Ha S-Y, Hyun J-H, Park J, Yang EJ, Shin K-H & Lee S

(2016) Change on UV-Absorbing Compounds during Phytoplankton Bloom in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Ha S-Y, Min J-O, Lee S & Shin K-H

(2016) Dual N and O Isotopes Analysis of Nitrate Using Identification Method in Freshwater Ecosystem
Lim B, Kim M, Kim J, Yoon S, Shin K & Choi J

(2016) Combining Tree Ring Metal Concentraton and Isotope ratio(13C, 207/206Pb) to Reconstuct Environmental Pollution History in Urban Area
Kim M, Kim J, Yoo H, Yoon S, Park J, Lim B, Shin K & Choi J

(2016) Active Methane Cycling Studied by Molecular Biomarkers and Stable Isotope in the Sediment of Sakhalin Continental Slope
Lee D-H, Jin Y-K, Minami H, Hachikubo A, Gal J-K, Choi B & Shin K-H

(2016) Nitrogen Isoscape of the Coasts in South Korea, Revealed by CSIA of Amino Acid
Choi B, Choi H & Shin K-H

(2016) Source Identification of Particulate Organic Matter and Sediment in the Singil Creek in Terms of Land Use by Multi-Elements (Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen) Stable Isotope Ratios
Kim D, Lee Y, Kang S, Kim M, Choi J-W & Shin K-H

(2016) Impact of the Fish Farming on Sedimentary Organic Matter Composion in Lake Soyang (South Korea)
Kang SJ, Kim J-H, Gal J-K, Lee DH & Shin K-H

(2016) Comparison of Organic Temperature Proxies (UK’37, LDI) in the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
Gal J-K, Kim J-H, Lee D-H, Kang SJ, Hwang J & Shin K-H

(2015) Applicability of the Long Chain Diol Index in the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
Gal J-K, Kang S-J, Lee DH, Kim J-H & Shin K-H

(2015) Impacts of the Soyang Dam on Sedimentary Organic Matter Composition in its Reservoir (South Korea)
Kang S-J, Kim J-H, Damste´ JSS, Gal J-K, Lee D, Kim B & Shin K-H

(2015) Environmental Impacts on Artificial Lake by Tidal Power Plant: Application of δ13C, δ15N and δ34S Values
Kim M, Yoon S, Ra K, Kim K, Shin K, Lee W-S & Choi J

(2013) Origin and Distribution of Sedimentary Organic Matter in Yellow Sea and Northern East China Sea Studied with Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes and Radiocarbon
Yoon S-H, Gal J-G, Yi H-I & Shin K-H

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