All abstracts by Konomi Suda in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Isotopic Study of Hydrocarbons from on-Land Serpentinite-Hosted Hot Spring in Hakuba Happo, JapanSuda K, Gilbert A & Ueno Y
(2015) Position-Specific 13C Isotope Composition of Non-Methane Hydrocarbons
Gilbert A, Suda K, Yamada K, Ueno Y & Yoshida N
(2014) Origin of Hydrocarbons in Continental Serpentinite-Hosted Hakuba Happo Hot Spring
Suda K, Ueno Y, Gilbert A, Yoshida N & Maruyama S
(2013) Abiotic Methane Formation Not from H2 but from H2O in the Serpentinite-Hosted Hakuba Happo Hot Spring
Suda K, Ueno Y & Maruyama S