All abstracts by Josep M. Soler in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Tracer Transport and Reactive Transport Modeling of Clay-Concrete Interaction: The CI/CI-D Experiments at Mont TerriSoler JM, Mäder U & Martin L
(2023) Rare-Earth-Elements Retention by Oxyhydroxysulfates in an Estuary Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage
Gutiérrez-León J, Carrero S, Pérez López R, Di Tommaso D, Toroz D, Soler JM & Cama J
(2023) Reactive Transport Modeling of the Release and Mobility of Hexavalent Chromium in a Contaminated Soil
Ceballos E, Cama J & Soler JM
(2019) The Ionic Strength – EDL Effect on Diffusion in Clay. Modeling an in situ Experiment at Mont Terri
Soler J, Steefel C, Gimmi T, Leupin O & Cloet V
(2019) Reductive Dissolution of Magnetite from Iron Mine Tailings: Potential Impacts in Coastal Environments
Palau J, Benaiges R, Offeddu F, Urmeneta J, Soler J, Cama J & Dold B
(2019) Rock/cement Fracture in Geological CO2 Storage
Fernandez-Rojo L, Soler JM, Chaparro MC, Galí S, Queralt I & Cama J
(2019) Reductive Dissolution of Fe(III) Oxides by Shewanella Loihica Under Submarine Tailings Disposal Conditions
Benaiges-Fernandez R, Palau J, Offedu FG, Cama J, Urmeneta J, Soler J & Dold B
(2019) Microbial Reductive Dissolution of Iron Oxides and Subsequent Heavy Metal Release in Submarine Tailings Disposal
Giannetta M, Soler J & Cama J
(2017) Using Reactive Transport Modelling to Analyse Cement-Groundwater-Rock Interaction. The LCS Experiment at Grimsel
Chaparro MC, Saaltink MW & Soler JM
(2017) Portland Cement – Rock Interaction. Diffusion and Advection Scenarios
Soler J, Chaparro C & Saaltink M
(2017) 2D Reactive Transport Modeling of Opalinus Clay-Opc-Bentonite Interaction
Yokoyama S, Minato D, Watanabe Y, Soler J & Cama J
(2016) Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Evolution of Artificially Fractured Marl Cores Under Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Dávila G, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J
(2016) The Role of Mineral Heterogeneity on the CO2 Storage Capacity and Injectivity Under CO2 Supercritical Conditions
Garcia-Rios M, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J
(2015) Effect of S Impurities on the Interaction between CO2-rich Solutions and Limestone and Marl Rocks at P = pCO2 = 10 Bar
Thaysen EM, Cama J & Soler JM
(2015) Modeling the DR-A in situ Diffusion Experiment (Opalinus Clay): Ionic Strength Effects on Solute Transport
Soler J, Steefel C, Leupin O & Gimmi T
(2014) Gypsum Precipitation during Interaction between CO2-Rich Sulfate Solution and Carbonate Rocks (From Atmospheric to Supercritical CO2 Conditions)
Cama J, Garcia-Rios M, Luquot L & Soler JM
(2013) Reactive Transport Modeling of Cement/Concrete – Rock Interaction: The Tournemire and Maqarin Cases
Soler JM
(2013) Interaction between CO2-Rich Brine and Marly Shale Under Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Dávila G, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J
(2013) Perturbing a Field Diffusion Experiment: First Results of the DR-A Test in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (Switzerland)
Gimmi T, Leupin OX, Soler JM & Van Loon LR