All abstracts by Marie Laure Rouget in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Combination of Organic and Inorganic Proxies for Hydroclimate Reconstruction of the Ogooué River Basin (Gabon, Gulf of Guinea) during the Last 25kaSkonieczny C, Bayon G, Schefuß E, Mollenhauer G, Thiéblemont D, Bouillon S, Toucanne S, Etoubleau J, Chéron S, Nonnotte P, Rouget M-L, Ponzevera E, Germain Y, Dennielou B & Marret F
(2014) Trace Element Behaviour and the Export of Organically-Bound Dissolved Iron at Cold Seeps
Lemaitre N, Bayon G, Ondréas H, Freslon N, Bollinger C, Rouget M-L, de Prunelé A, Ruffine L, Olu K & Sarthou G
(2013) REE and Neodymium Isotopes in Sedimentary Organic Matter
Freslon N, Bayon G, Toucanne S, Bermell S, Bollinger C, Cheron S, Etoubleau J, Germain Y, Kripounoff A, Ponzevera E & Rouget ML