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All abstracts by Changkun Park in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Al-Mg Isotopic Study of Fine-Grained Refractory Inclusions
Han J, Matsuda N, Liu M-C, Park C & Keller LP

(2023) COM-1 and Hongcheon: New Monazite Reference Materials for the Microspot Analysis of Oxygen Isotopic Composition
Yi K, Kim J, Park C, Lee S, Kim SJ, Jung M-J & Cheong C-S

(2023) Iron and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Magnetite from Shinyemi Skarn Deposit in South Korea
Kim Y, Kim C, Park C & Ryu J-S

(2022) Relative Abundances of Light Elements between Ryugu and Ivuna
Sakamoto N, Park C, Kawasaki N, Nagashima K & Hayabusa2 initial analysis team T

(2022) Thermal History of Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates from the Kainsaz CO3.2 Chondrite
Han J, Park C & Brearley A

(2020) Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Northwest Africa 12774 Quenched Angrite: Origin of Olivine Xenocrysts
Hayashi H, Kim NK, Kim H, Park C & Mikouchi T

(2019) Melt-Rock Reaction in Gabbroic Rocks from the Central Indian Ridge and the Influence on MORB
Choi S, Park J-W, Kim J, Oh J & Park C

(2016) The Evolution of the Solar Nebula as Recorded by Hibonite-Rich CAIs
Kööp L, Davis A, Philipp H, Kita N, Nakashima D, Tenner T, Park C, Krot A & Nagashima K

(2013) Mineralogy, Petrology, O and Mg-Isotope Compositions of AOAs from CH Carbonaceous Chondrites
Nagashima K, Krot A & Park C

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