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All abstracts by Julie Pearce in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Geochemical Modelling from Benchtop to Field Scale
Kirste D, Volden L, Pearce J, Dawson G & Golding S

(2020) A Sequential Extraction Method for Evaluating Rock-Hosted Elements at Conditions Relevant to CO2 Geo-Sequestration
Dawson G, Pearce J, Kirste D & Golding S

(2018) Reactive Transport Modelling Predicting Trace Metal Mobility during CO2-SO2-NO-O2 Storage
Kirste D, Pearce J, Dawson G & Golding S

(2017) Great Artesian Basin Authigenic Carbonates as Natural Analogues for Mineralisation Trapping
Golding S, Dawson G, Pearce J, Mernagh T, Boreham C & Hall L

(2017) Predicting Metal Mobilisation during CO2 Storage: The Role of Synchrotron XFM
Pearce J, Dawson G, Southam G, Patterson D & Golding S

(2017) Reactive Transport Modelling Predicting Trace Metal Mobility during CO2-SO2-O2 Storage
Kirste D, Pearce J & Golding S

(2016) The Evolution of Gas Dissociation Species during Sequestration of a CO2/NO Stream
Turner L, Pearce J, Myers G & Morgan Q

(2016) Reaction of SO2 and SO2 with O2 after Dissolution during Benchtop Experiments of CO2 Storage at Elevated Temperature and Pressure
Kirste D, Pearce J & Golding S

(2016) Metal and Metalloid Mobilisation and Sequestration during CO2-SO2 and CO2-SO2-O2 Reaction of Reservoir and Cap-Rock Cores
Pearce J, Dawson G, Golding S & Kirste D

(2015) Geochemical CO2-SO2-O2-fluid-Rock Interactions
Pearce J, Dawson G, Golab A, Knuefing L & Golding S

(2015) Geochemical and Geomechanical Testing of Samples from a Potential Surat Basin CO2 Sequestration Site
Golding SD, Dawson GKW, Rudolph V, Gao J, Xing H, Khan C, Li Q, Pearce JK, Law ACK, Keck R, Watson A, Jiang X & Biddle D

(2015) Reactive Transport Modelling of CO2 with SO2 and O2 as Impurities for Geological Storage: Upscaling from the Benchtop to the Reservoir
Kirste D, Pearce J, Golding S & Frank A

(2013) Reaction Path Geochemical Modelling of CO2-SO2-Water-Rock Experiments
Kirste D, Pearce J, Golding S & Frank A

(2013) SO2 and O2 Co-injection with Potential Carbon Storage Target Sandstone from a Fresh-Water Aquifer
Pearce J, Dawson G, Farquhar S & Golding S

(2013) Experimental Investigation of CO2-Water-Rock Interactions Under Simulated Fresh-Water Aquifer Conditions
Farquhar S, Dawson G, Pearce J & Golding S

(2012) Mineral, Fluid and Gas Interactions Under CO2 Storage Conditions – The Role of SO2, NOX, and O2
Pearce J, Biddle D, Golding S, Rudolph V & Kirste D

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