All abstracts by Marcus Nowak in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Simulating Campi Flegrei Magma Ascent Using Continuous Decompression ExperimentsPreuss O, Marxer H & Nowak M
(2013) Simulation of Magma Ascent Prior to the High Risk Caldera Forming Eruptions of Campi Flegrei
Preuss O & Nowak M
(2013) Simulating Magma Ascent: An Experimental Challenge
Marxer H, Bellucci P, Ulmer S & Nowak M
(2013) Simulating Precambrian Banded Iron Formation Diagenesis
Kappler A, Posth NR, Koehler I, Swanner E, Schroeder C, Wellmann E, Binder B, Konhauser KO, Neumann U, Berthold C, Nowak M & Papineau D
(2013) Experimental Investigations on Halogen-Rich Agpaitic Phase Equilibria
Giehl C, Marks M & Nowak M
(2011) Pressure-Temperature Diagenesis of Fe Minerals and Biomass Produces Hematite, Siderite and Magnetite as Present in Banded Iron Formations
Kappler A, Posth N, Koehler I, Schröder C, Konhauser K, Neumann U, Berthold C & Nowak M
(2011) Experimental Investigation of the Differentiation of Iron-Rich Peralkaline Magma
Giehl C, Babiel R, Reiche S, Marks M & Nowak M
(2007) Sulfur Saturation of Etna Basalt at 200 Mpa: Experimental Setup and First Results
Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikow R & Holtz F