All abstracts by Hans Moosmüller in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Water-Soluble Aerosol Organic Matter from Wildland Fire Emissions as Observed Using Ultrahigh Resolution Orbitrap Elite Mass SpectrometryMazzoleni L, Kirillova E, Schum S, Khaksari M, Sengupta D, Bhattarai C, Samburova V, Watts A, Moosmuller H & Khylstov A
(2014) The Superaggregate Form of Soot from Wildfires and its Impact on Direct Forcing
Chakrabarty R, Beres N, Moosmuller H, China S, Mazzoleni C, Dubey M, Liu L & Mishchenko M
(2013) Dust Direct Radiative Forcing and the Complex Refractive Index of Hematite
Moosmüller H & Engelbrecht J