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All abstracts by Stefan Marincea in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Hydrothermal Fluorapatite in Magnesian Skarns from Valea Rea (Budureasa, Bihor Mountains, Romania)
Marincea S, Pantia AII, Dumitras D-G, Sava Ghinet C & Filiuta AE

(2021) Preliminary Mineralogical Study of the Flotation Sand from the Tăuşani Tailing Pound (Moldova Nouă, Romania)
Dumitras D-G, Marincea SH, Marincea S & Neacsu A

(2021) Phlogopite in Magnesian Skarns from Seven Occurrences in the Banatitic Magmatic and Metallogenetic Belt, Romania
Sava Ghinet C & Marincea S

(2021) Preliminary Mineralogical Study of the Magnesian Skarn from Valea Rea (Budureasa, Bihor Mountain, Romania)
Pantia AI, Marincea S, Filiuta AE, Dumitras D-G & Sava Ghinet C

(2019) Ludwigite within Five Occurrences of Magnesian Skarns from Romania: New Mineralogical Data
Marincea S, Dumitras D-G & Sava C

(2019) Hydroxylapatite in few Fossil Bat-Guano Deposits from Caves in Romania
Dumitras D-G & Marincea S

(2019) The Impact on the Environment of the Phosphogypsum Stacks in Romania
Iancu AM, Dumitras D-G, Marincea S & Sava C

(2019) Metasomatic Replacements in the Phosphate Mineral Association from the Li-Bearing Pegmatites in Conţu, Romania
Călin N, Dumitraş D-G, Marincea Ş, Iancu AM & Sava C

(2019) Vesuvianite from the High-Temperature Skarn Occurrences from Romania
Sava C, Marincea S, Dumitras DG, Iancu AM, Vanheyste J & Dal Bo F

(2019) The REE and Trace Elements Potential of the Albești Granite, Argeș County, Romania
Pantia A-I, Filiuță A-E, Lorincz S, Dumitraș D-G, Ion A & Marincea Ș

(2017) Brushite in few Fossil Bat-Guano Deposits from Caves in Romania
Dumitras D-G, Marincea S, Diaconu G & Iancu A-M

(2017) Preliminary Paleontological and Mineralogical Study of the Diatomites from Patarlagele, Romania
Sebe-Radoi O-G, Dumitras D-G, Marincea S, Calin N, Birgaoanu D & Barbu O-C

(2015) Mineral Versus Chemical Zoning in the High Temperature, High CO2 Activity Contact Zone from Măgureaua Vaţei, Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Marincea S, Dumitras D-G, Vanheyste J & Cavenaile D

(2015) High-Temperature Metamorphic Process in Ciclova – Oraviţa Area (Banat, Romania)
Ghinet C, Marincea S, Dumitras DG, Anason MA & Iancu AM

(2015) Application on X-Ray Diffractometry on the Skarn Mineralization, in the Upper Basin of Mraconia Valley, Romania
Anason MA, Marincea S, Dumitras DG, Ghinet C & Iancu A

(2015) The Crystal Chemistry of Ardealite from the Type Locality, the “Dry” Cioclovina Cave, Şureanu Mountains, Romania
Dumitras D-G & Marincea S

(2015) Comparative Study on the Trace Element Contents of Sulfides from the Neogene and Laramian Porphyry Copper Deposits from Romania
Cioacă ME, Munteanu M, Wälle M, Marincea Ș & Dumitraș DG

(2013) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Natural Porcelanites
Dumitras D-G, Ion A, Milosan I, Marincea S & Costea C

(2013) Geochemical Considerations of the Gehlenitic Skarns from Valea Crişenilor – Oraviţa (Romania)
Ghinet C, Marincea S, Bilal E & Iancu A-M

(2013) REE Content of Phosphogypsum from Romania
Iancu AM, Dumitras DG, Bilal E, Marincea S, Ghinet C, Calin N & Anason AM

(2013) Mineralogical and Geochemical Zoning at High-Temperature Contacts as a Function of CO2 Pressure: An Example from Romanian Skarns
Marincea S, Dumitras D-G, Anason AM, Ghinet C & Iancu AM

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