All abstracts by Maowen Li in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Geochemical Evidence for Bedding Parallel Oil Migration in an Inter-Salt Lacustrine Shale Oil ReservoirMa X, Li M, Qian M, Jiang Q & Li Z
(2020) Petroleum Composition Revealed from Revised Programed Pyrolysis and Implications for Lacustrine Shale Oil Mobility and Resource Potential
Li M, Chen Z, Qian M, Ma X, Jiang Q & Li Z
(2014) Biomarkers as Lithologic Indicators of Marine Petroleum Source Rock
Cao T, Li M, Jiang Q, Liu P & Tao G
(2013) Molecular Geochemistry as Indicators of Seal Integrity and Relevance to Shale Oil Exploration
Cao T, Li M, Jiang Q & Li Z