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All abstracts by Marcus Kunzmann in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) New Assemblages of Paleoproterozoic Organic-Walled Microfossils and Implications for Eukaryogenesis and the Early Evolution of Eukaryotes
Javaux EJ, Spinks S & Kunzmann M

(2020) Linking Neoproterozoic Oxygenation to the Marinoan Glaciation and Radiation of Eukaryotes
Bishop C, Cox G, Kunzmann M, Shannon A, Blades M, Brocks J, Collins A & Giles D

(2019) D15N and δ13C Isotopes of Proterozoic McArthur Basin, Australia: Redox Proxies for Atmospheric pO2
Shannon A, Cox G, Jarrett A & Kunzmann M

(2016) Deciphering the Mid-Proterozoic Shallow Marine Redox Structure and Carbon Cycle Using REE and δ13C
Bellefroid E, Planavsky N, Halverson G & Kunzmann M

(2016) Ca, Mg, and Li Isotope Records Leading into the Sturtian Glaciation
Crockford PW, Kunzmann M, Blättler CL, Planavsky NJ, Higgins JA, Halverson GP & Wing BA

(2015) Redox Conditions in the Latest Mesoproterozoic
Cole D, Hodgskiss M, Gueguen B, Kunzmann M, Crockford P, Gibson T, Worndle S, Halverson G & Planavsky N

(2014) Application of the I/[Ca+Mg] Proxy to Interpreting Early Neoproterozoic δ13C Anomalies
Wörndle S, Lu Z, Halverson G & Kunzmann M

(2013) A Multi-Proxy Record from a Late Neoproterozoic Volcano-Sedimentary Basin, Eastern Arabian Shield
Halverson G, Cox G, Hubert-Théou L, Schmitz M, Hagadorn J, Johnson P, Sansjofre P & Kunzmann M

(2012) Zn Isotope Composition of Paleoproterozoic Carbonates, Banded Iron Formation and Manganese Formation
Kunzmann M, Sossi PA, Halverson GP & Gutzmer J

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