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All abstracts by Zuzana Konopkova in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Bridging the Gaps with the Diamond Anvil Cells on the High Energy Density Instrument at the European X-Ray Free Electron Laser
Konopkova Z

(2017) Refining Empirical Constraints on the Transport Properties of Earth's Core
McWilliams RS, Gomez Perez N, Konopkova Z & Goncharov A

(2014) Trace Element Speciation in Silicic Melts at High Pressure
de Grouchy C, Sanloup C, Cochain B, Drewitt J, Leroy C, Bureau H, Schmidt B, Guignot N & Konopkova Z

(2013) Structural Change in Molten Basalt at Deep Mantle P-T Conditions
Sanloup C, Drewitt J, Dalladay-Simpson P, Morton D, Rai N, van Westrenen W, Konopkova Z & Morgenroth W

(2013) Phase Transition in Aluminous Silica at Lowermost Mantle P-T Conditions
Andrault D, Trønnes R, Konôpková Z, Morgenroth W & Liermann P

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