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All abstracts by Dieter Juchelka in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) FT-Irms: Unlocking New Dimensions and Providing Unprecedented Access to Intramolecular Isotopic Information
Kohl IE, Kuhlbusch NJ, Juchelka D & Hilkert A

(2024) Possibilities and Challenges of ESI-Orbitrap-Ms as a Tool for Isotopocule Analysis on Organic Molecules
Kuhlbusch NJ, Kohl IE, Hayen H, Juchelka D & Hilkert A

(2023) Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ Isotope Solutions: Tools for Comprehensive Characterization of Polyisotopocules
Kohl IE, Kuhlbusch N, Juchelka D & Hilkert A

(2022) Comprehensive Isotope Ratio MS with Electrospray-Orbitrap
Hilkert A, Neubauer C & Juchelka D

(2022) Unravelling New Isotopic Dimensions of Oxyanions by ESI-Orbitrap
Kantnerová K, Juchelka D, Hilkert A, Kopf S & Neubauer C

(2016) Determining the Isotopic Structures of Molecules by Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Eiler J, Chimiak E, Dallas B, Griep-Raming J, Juchelka D, Kitchen N, Makarov A & Schwieters J

(2013) Enhancing the Performance of GC-IRMS for Small Biomarker Samples
Juchelka D, Radke J & Hilkert A

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