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All abstracts by Noémie Janot in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Estimating Organic Matter Acid-Base Properties and Electrical Charge by Spectrophotometry
Tesfa M, Dia A, Mahe F, Janot N & Marsac R

(2021) Spatial Distribution and Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Mine Tailings from Ion-Adsorption Deposits in Southern China
Janot N, Huot H, Rivard C, Bone S, Tang Y-T, Watteau F & Montarges-Pelletier E

(2019) Studying Rare Earth Elements Binding to Natural Organic Matter
Otero-Fariña A, Janot N & Groenenberg JE

(2018) Rare Earths Elements Cycling in Reclaimed Ion-Adsorption Mine Tailings
Janot N, Huot H, Leguédois S, Séré G, Tang Y-T, Morel J-L, Qiu R-L & Groenenberg JE

(2017) PEST-Orchestra: A Tool for Optimizing Model Parameters for Humic Substances Reactivity
Janot N, Pinheiro J-P, Botero W, Meeussen H & Groenenberg JE

(2015) Uranium Biogeochemistry: Nanometer to Regional Scales
Bargar J, Williams K, Bone S, Boye K, Janot N & Noel V

(2015) Characterization and Impact of Organic-Rich Sediments on Uranium Behavior in the Rifle Aquifer, CO
Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Pham D, O'Brien T, Hausladen D, Williams K, Long P, Fendorf S & Bargar J

(2014) Effect of Humic Substances on the Affinity of Ferrihydrite for U(VI)
Dublet G, Brown GE, Bargar JR, Janot N & Fendorf S

(2014) Bioremediation to Plume Persistence: Uranium Biogeochemistry in Naturally and Artificially Bioreduced Aquifer Sediments
Bargar J, Janot N, Alessi D, Jones M, Williams K, Long P, Bernier-Latmani R & Cerrato J

(2013) Fe and S Redox Cycling during a Biostimulation Episode at the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Alessi D, Bernier-Latmani R, Suvorova E, Cerrato J, Giammar D, Yang L, Davis J, Fox P, Williams K, Long P, Handley K & Bargar J

(2013) Adsoption of Eu(III) onto Minerals in the Presence of Humic Acids: Effects of Various Solution Parameters and Sorptive Fractionation on Modelling and Spectroscopy
Reiller P, Janot N & Benedetti M

(2013) Speciation of Uranium Products Formed during in situ Biostimulation of the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Alessi D, Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Suvorova E, Cerrato J, Giammar D, Fox P, Williams K, Long P, Handley K, Wrighton K, Miller C, Yang L, Bernier-Latmani R & Bargar J

(2013) Effects of Sediment Porosity and Particulate Organic Carbon on Fe, S and U Cycling in Naturally Reduced Zones (NRZs) of a Contaminated Aquifer
Jones M, Janot N, Bargar J & Fendorf S

(2012) Characterization of Humic Acid Reactivity Modifications due to Adsorption onto alpha-Al2O3
Benedetti M, Janot N, Zheng X, Croue J-P & Reiller P

(2012) Stability and Transformation of Monomeric U(IV) Species at the Rifle, Colorado IFRC Field Site
Alessi DS, Stylo M, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Stubbs JE, Dunham-Cheatham SM, Janot N, Bargar JR, Campbell KM, Long PE & Bernier-Latmani R

(2009) Effects of Organic Matter – Aluminium Oxide Interactions on Eu(III) Speciation
Janot N, Reiller P, Korshin GV & Benedetti MF

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