All abstracts by Gi Hoon Hong in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in PM10 of Road Deposited Sediments (RDS) in the Major Industrial Areas along the Coast of South KoreaChoi JY, Jeong H, Ra K, Lee SY, Won EJ, Kim K-T, Kim KR, Kim ES, Yang DB & Hong GH
(2016) Magnetic and Chemical Characteristics of Volcanogenic Black Sand found on a Beach of Jeju Island, South Korea: Remediation and Beneficial Use
Choi JY, Hong GH, Kim K & Yang DB
(2016) Distrbution of Pu in the Coral of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Hong GH, Kim SH, Lee H, Kawahata H, Siringan FP, Anderson DM, Ketterer ME & Baskaran M
(2016) Effect of Sediment Resuspension on the Cycling of Nutrients in the East China Sea
Kim SH, Rho T, Choi KY, Hong GH & Kim NH
(2015) Characteristics of Marine Aerosol Particles in the Southern Sea of Korean Peninsula
Kim SH, Hong GH, Kim Y-I & Chung CS
(2014) Why There are Variations in the 134Cs/137Cs Activity Ratios of the Global Data Set of Fukushima-Derived Radiocesium?
Baskaran M & Hong GH
(2014) On the Role of 210Bi on the Apparent Disequilibrium of 210Pb-210Po Pair in the Sea
Kim SH, Hong GH, Kim Y-I & Kim S
(2014) Uptake and Retention of Artificial Radionuclides from Seawater in the Oyster Crassostrea gigas
Hong G, Kim S, Lee H, Kim Y & Oh S
(2013) Characterization of the Primary Productivity Using a Year-Long High Resolution Sediment Trap Experiment in the Southwestern Part of the East/Japan Sea
Kim SH, Hong GH, Kim YI, Chung CS, Choi KY & Kim YH
(2013) Distribution, Fluxes in the Water Column and Early Diagenesis in the Bottom Sediments of 210Po and 210Pb in the Sea
Hong GH, Lee HM, Baskaran M, Kim SH, Kim YI & Kim CJ