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All abstracts by Wouter J.E.M Habraken in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2015) The Elusive Structure of Nanocrystals
Jensen A, Zou Z, Politi Y, Bertinetti L, Fratzl P, Schneck E & Habraken W

(2015) Experimental Evidence for a Spinodal Region in the Phase Diagram of Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Vidavski N, Gal A, Weiner S, Addadi L & Fratzl P

(2015) Influence of Additives on Phase Behavior and Crystallization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Weiner S, Addadi L, Fratzl P & Habraken WJEM

(2015) Biomineralization Pathways of Regenerated Sea Urchin Spines
Albéric M, Bertinetti L, Habraken W, Gilbert P, Fratzl P & Politi Y

(2014) Structural Changes and Thermodynamic Pathways during the Heat-, and Moisture Induced Crystallization of Biogenic and Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate: An in situ Study
Politi Y, Habraken W, Bertinetti L & Fratzl P

(2013) The Discovery and Role of Non-Stoichometric Complexes of Calcium Carbonate in the Solution Precipitation of Vaterite
Smeets P, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Nudelman F & Sommerdijk N

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