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All abstracts by Yoann Greau in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The AusGeochem Platform: A Tool to Unravel Earth’s Evolution Through 4D Geochemistry Through Seamlessly Integrating New Analytical Data with Large Public Datasets
Ware B, Ananuer H, Nixon A, Dalton H, Gréau Y, McMillan M, Boone S, Kohlmann F, Noble W, Theile M, McInnes BIA, Gleadow A, Kohn B & Hodgekiss S-A

(2023) Developments in AusGeochem: A Platform for Geochemical Data Storage, Dissemination, Visualisation and Analysis
Dalton H, Ware B, Boone S, Gréau Y, Ananuer H, Nixon A, Hodgekiss S-A, Kohlmann F, Theile M, Noble W, Chen B, Dux F, Koutamanis D, Wang X, McMillan M, Stirling JE, Zhou R, Armistead S, McInnes BIA, Prent A & Kohn B

(2022) The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network Project and the Building of the AusGeochem Data Repository
McInnes BIA, Gleadow A, O'Reilly SY, Kohn B, Rawling T, Kohlmann F, Prent AM, Boone S, Greau Y, Noble W, Ware B, Theile M, Dalton H, Hodgekiss S-A, Ananuer H, Alard O & Phillips D

(2022) A Digital End-To-End Solution for FAIR Geochemistry Data, from Field Collection to Publication
Kohlmann F, Noble W, Boone S, Greau Y, Dalton H, Ware B, Beucher R, McMillan M, Kohn B, Prent AM, McInnes BIA, Bedoya Mejia A & Theile M

(2022) Opening the Full Potential of Geochemical Big Data Utilising AusGeochem
Noble W, Kohlmann F, Prent AM, Boone S, Greau Y, Ware B, Dalton H, Beucher R, McMillan M, Kohn B, McInnes BIA, Bedoya Mejia A & Theile M

(2020) In situ Determination of Re-Os Isotopes by LA-MC-ICP-MS Using Daly Detectors: Preliminary Results
Gréau Y, Alard O & O'Reilly SY

(2019) In situ Laser Ablation Split-Stream (LASS-) MC-ICP-MS/ICP-MS for Simultaneous Determination of Re-Os Isotopes and Siderophile-Chalcophile Elements in Sulfides: Ablating Away a Cornelian Dilemma
Gréau Y, Alard O & O'Reilly S

(2017) Recrystallisation and Shorted-Lived Lattice Disruptions along Mantle Fluid Pathways
Greau Y, Henry H, Huang J-X, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY

(2017) Ultrapotassic Rocks and Xenoliths from South Tibet: Contrasting Styles of Interaction between Lithospheric Mantle and Asthenosphere during Continental Collision
Xu B, Griffin W, Xiong Q, Hou Z, O'Reilly S, Guo Z, Pearson N, Gréau Y, Yang Z-M & Zheng Y

(2015) U-Pb Geochronology of Zircon by Femtosecond Laser Ablation
Pearson N, Powell W, Gréau Y, Murphy R, Payne J, Belousova E, Griffin W & O'Reilly S

(2014) Ediacaran Granites in the Tuareg Shield, West Africa: Alkalinity and End-Gondwanan Assembly
Bowden P, Cottin J-Y, Belousova E, Gréau Y, Griffin W, O'Reilly S, Azzouni-Sekkal A, Remaci-Benouda N & Bechiri-Benmerzoug F

(2013) Unmasking Enigmatic Xenolithic Eclogites: Progressive Metasomatism on a Key Roberts Victor Sample
Huang J-X, Griffin W, Greau Y, Pearson N & O'Reilly S

(2009) Refertilization of Oceanic Mantle by Old Depleted Melts: An in situ Trace Element and Os Isotope Study of ODP Site 1274 Peridotites
Godard M, Alard O, Gréau Y, Lorand J-P, Griffin WL & O'Reilley SY

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