All abstracts by Nona Gagnidze in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Discovery of Neo-Proterosic Relics in Paleogene Adjara-Trialeti Belt, Lesser Caucasus: Implication for Zircons U-Pb GeochronologyOkrostsvaridze A, Gagnidze N, Chung S-L & Chang Y-H
(2017) Felsitic Magmatism and Th-Bi Mineralization in the Greater Caucaus Kakheti Region, Georgia
Gagnidze N & Okrostsvaridze A
(2016) Magmatism and Mineral Occurrences of the Eastern Greater Caucasus, Georgian Segment
Gagnidze N, Okrostsvaridze A, Aqimidze K & Chung S-L
(2015) Gondvanian Relicts in the Processes of the Caucasus Collisional Orogen Continental Crust Formation
Okrostsvaridze A, Lee Y-H & Gagnidze N
(2014) Petrology and Ore Mineralization Processes of the Eastern Greater Caucasus Georgian Segment
Gagnidze N, Akimidze K & Okrostsvaridze A
(2014) Petrology of the Sakeni Intrusive and Sakeni Goldfield Genesis (Greater Caucasus, Georgia)
Okrostsvaridze A, Bluashvili D & Gagnidze N
(2013) Ore Mineralization Processes in the Greater Caucasus Kakheti Segment, Georgia
Okrostsvaridze A, Aqimidze K & Gagnidze N