All abstracts by Alon Angert in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Acquisition of Fe and P from Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols by Marine PhytoplanktonShaked Y, Jacobson Y, de Beer D, Wang S, Zhang F, Visser A-N, Eichner M, Morag N, Angert A & Basu S
(2022) Photoproduction and Sedimentary Sources of COS and CS2 Identified by their Sulfur Isotopic Values
Davidson C, Angert A, Lennartz ST & Amrani A
(2020) Phosphorus Transformation in Saharan Dust during Trans-Atlantic Dust Transport
Zhu M, Dam T, Angert A, Bigio L, Mayol O, Santos-Figueroa G & Pio C
(2015) Earth's Natural Fertilizer: Tracing Phosphorus in Dust from the Sahara Towards America's Tropical Rain Forests
Gross A, Turner B, Goren T, Pio C, Cardoso J, Tirosh O, Todd M, Rosenfeld D, Weiner T, Custodio D & Angert A
(2011) Available-Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes Point to Extracellular Equilibration
Angert A, Mazeh S & Weiner T
(2009) Application of Oxygen Isotopes for Soil Studies
Tamburini F, Bernasconi S, Angert A & Frossard E