All abstracts by William J Collins in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Acquiring Exceptional HFSE and REE Abondances in A-Type GranitesCollins WJ, Smithies RH, Kirkland CJ & Bowden P
(2016) A Missing ca. 120 Ma Magmatic Arc Outboard South China?
Jiang X-Y, Li X-H, Collins WJ & Huang H-Q
(2015) Understanding Global Geodynamics over the Last 3 Billion Years Using Hf Isotope Arrays
Collins WJ & Murphy B
(2013) Ca. 1750 Ma Arc-Related Metamorphism in the Southern Arunta Complex, Central Australia?
Anderson J, Kelsey D, Hand M & Collins W
(2013) The North Australian Craton: A Palaeoproterozoic Accretionary Orogen
Smits R, Collins W & Hand M