All abstracts by Ying Cui in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Biogeochemical Responses to Global Warming during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Eastern TethysWu Q, Cui Y, Wang Y, Jiang S, Dong Y & Shen J
(2023) Uncovering the Physiochemical Conditions in the Chicxulub Impact Plume
Rundhaug CJ, Schiller M, Larsen K, Deng Z, Bermudez H, Bizzarro M & Cui Y
(2022) Enhanced Continental Weathering and Organic Carbon Burial Following the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Cui Y, Adloff M, Nsingi M, Wu Q & Planavsky NJ
(2021) Elevated Primary Productivity in the Shallow Eastern Tethys during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Cui Y, Naafs D, Calderon L, De Palma M, Gachetti A, Greiss A & Jiang S
(2020) Shallow Marine Response to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in Low-Latitude Eastern Tethys
Cui Y, Jiang S, Wang Y & Jiang J
(2019) The Minerology Evidence for Sulfide Magma Bearing Fluids in Talnakh Magmatic Cu-Ni Sulfide Deposit, Russia
Su S, Jiang J & Cui Y
(2019) A Reconstruction of Atmospheric CO2 Across the Neogene Using C3 Plant Remains
Cui Y, Schubert B & Jahren AH
(2018) Evaluation of paleo-CO2 Proxy Based on Carbon Isotope Value of Long Chain N-Alkanes and Terpenoids from C3 Land Plants
Cui Y, Chapman T & Schubert B
(2018) Characteristics of High Silica Magnetite and It’s Indication to the Origin of Yushiwa Iron Deposit, Wuan, Hebei Province
Su S, Hou J, Hu W & Cui Y
(2017) Fluids Injection: The Mechanism of Plagioporphyry’s Origin in Wuan, China
Su S, Liu L, Luo Z & Cui Y
(2017) Does pCO2 Affect Carbon Isotope Discrimination on Evolutionary Timescales?
Cui Y & Schubert B
(2014) Evaluation of Organic Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy in Terrestrial Permian-Triassic Boundary Sections in South China
Cui Y, Bercovici A, Kump L, Freeman K, Yu J & Vajda V
(2014) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ocean Acidification during the End-Permian Mass Extinction – An Earth System Model Evaluation
Cui Y, Kump L & Ridgwell A
(2013) Zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf Isotopic and Whole-Rock Geochemical Constraints on the Protolith and Tectonic History of the Changhai Metamorphic Supracrustal Sequence in the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, Southeast Liaoning Province, Northeast China
Meng E, Liu F, Cai J & Cui Y