All abstracts by Thomas Bianchi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Key Geochemical Developments in the Origin of BiogeochemistryBianchi T
(2019) Remineralization of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in Marine Systems: From Estuaries to the Deep Sea
Yao P, Zhao B, Bianchi T, Yang J & Yu Z
(2018) The Role of Reactive Iron in Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon in Marine Environment
Zhao B, Yao P, Bianchi T, Shields M, Cui X, Zhang X, Huang X, Wang J & Yu Z
(2018) Fjords as Aquatic Critical Zones
Bianchi T
(2017) Carbon Processing in Aquatic Critical Zones: A Source-To-Sink Perspective
Bianchi T
(2016) Preservation of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in Mud Deposits of the Eastern China Marginal Seas
Yao P, Bianchi T, Zhao B, Wang J & Yu Z
(2016) The Experimental Flow to the Colorado River Delta: Effects on Carbon Cycling
Bianchi T, Butman D, Raymond P, Ward N, Kates R, Flessa K, Zamora H, Ramirez J & Rodriguez E
(2015) “Hotspots” for Carbon Burial in the Coastal Margin: Linkages with Watersheds in the Anthropocene
Bianchi T
(2015) Priming of Terrestrially-Derived Dissolved Organic Carbon: A Laboratory and Field-Based Approach
Bianchi T, Ward N, Thornton D, Yvon-Lewis S, King G, Shields M, Richey J & Curtis J
(2015) Domination of Soil in 14C Age Spectra in Sediments from a Major River System–Implications for Carbon Cycling
Rosenheim B, Roberts B, Van Metre P, Galy V, Shields M, Cui X & Bianchi T
(2014) Carbon Cycling in High Latitudes – Ramped Pyrolysis 14C Results from the Colville River Delta and Svalbard
Rosenheim B, Schreiner K, Mollenhauer G, Bianchi T & Rethemeyer J
(2013) Particulate Organic Carbon Age Spectra: Evaluating Different Spectra from Different Basin Types
Rosenheim B, Galy V, Williams E, Roberts B, Allison M, Schreiner K & Bianchi T