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All abstracts by Laura D. Bilenker in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Impact of Coal Combustion Product Leachate on Groundwater Geochemistry and Microbial Communities
Ojeda A, Malina N, Lee M-K & Bilenker LD

(2024) Preliminary Insights from the Fe Isotope Compositions of Garnets in the Tibes Skarn, Puerto Rico
Rivera EJ, Bilenker LD, Hudgins TR & Swartz J

(2024) Unraveling the Behavior of Rare Earth Elements in Iron Oxide-Apatite Systems: Insights from Apatite Hyperspectral Cathodoluminescence
Iran Manesh S, Bilenker LD & Slezak P

(2021) Garnet Abundance in the Tibes Skarn, Puerto Rico: Implications for Unraveling Ore Genesis and Mineralization Processes
Giovannetti-Nazario DA, Hudgins TR, Bilenker LD & Barefoot M

(2018) The Control of Pyrrhotite on the Fe Isotope Composition of Magmatic Systems: Implications for the Formation of Magmatic Ni-Cu Deposits and Layered Intrusions
Bilenker L, Weis D & Scoates J

(2018) Self-Induced Matrix Effects in MC-ICP-MS
Frères E, Bilenker L, King E, Fourny A, Patton G, Weis D, Zhao Y, Freedman P & Gordon K

(2017) Formation of Kiruna-Type Deposits – Testing a Novel Model
Knipping JL, Simon AC, Reich M, Fiege A, Deditius AP, Webster JD, Bilenker L, Barra F, Holtz F & Oeser-Rabe M

(2015) Kinetics of Sulfide Mineral Oxidation in Seawater: Implications for Acid Generation during in situ Mining of Seafloor Vents
Bilenker LD, Romano GY & McKibben MA

(2015) A Genetic Model that Links Magma, IOA and IOCG Deposits
Simon A, Knipping J, Bilenker L, Reich M, Barra F & Deditius A

(2015) The Trace Element Signature of Pyrite from the Los Colorados Iron Oxide Apatite (IOA) Deposit: A Missing Link between IOA and IOCG Systems?
Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Chryssoulis S, Tardani D, Barra F, Knipping J, Bilenker L & Sanchez-Alfaro P

(2014) Fe and O Systematics of the Los Colorados IOA Deposit, Chile
Bilenker L, Simon A, Reich M, Lundstrom C & Bindeman I

(2014) Chemical Zoning and Microtexture of Magnetite from Los Colorados Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposit, Chile
Reich M, Simon A, Deditius A, Bilenker L, Knipping J & Barra F

(2013) Experimental Constraints on Fe Isotope Fractionation in Fluid-Melt-Oxide-Sulfide Assemblages
Bilenker L, Simon A, Lundstrom C, Gajos N & Zajacz Z

(2013) The Importance of Iron Mobility in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Simon A, Bilenker L & Bell A

(2013) Magmas, Solutions and Metals
Bell A, Simon A, Tanis E & Bilenker L

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