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All abstracts by Magali Benoit in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Challenges of the Theoretical Evaluation of Equilibrium Ca Isotope Fractionation between Solid and Solution
Moison H, Benoit M, Aufort J, Schott J & Méheut M

(2023) Reconciling Theoretical and Experimental Estimates of Ca Isotopes Fractionation between Mineral and Solution
Méheut M, Aufort J, Moison H, Schott J, Mavromatis V & Benoit M

(2021) Calcium Coordination in Aqueous Solution from Atomistic Simulations
Moison H, Méheut M & Benoit M

(2019) Theoretical Estimates of Solid-Fluid Ca Isotopes Fractionation in Soils
Méheut M, Benoît M, Schurhammer R & Schmitt A-D

(2018) Importance of a Fully Anharmonic Treatment of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Properties
Dupuis R, Benoit M, Tuckerman M & Méheut M

(2017) Formation of a Quasi 2D-Layer of Protons in Hydroxides at High Pressure
Dupuis R, Dolado J, Surga J, Benoit M & Ayuela A

(2017) Importance of a Fully Anharmonic Treatment of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Properties of Dissolved Species as Evidenced by Li+(aq)
Dupuis R, Benoit M, Tuckerman M & Méheut M

(2013) Silicon Isotope Fractionation Implying Liquid Phases at 300K: The Importance of Configurational Disorder
Dupuis R, Benoit M & Méheut M

(2010) First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Hydrous Silica Glasses and Melts
Benoit M, Poelhmann M & Kob W

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