All abstracts by Oksana Bukharova in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Specific Conditions of Granites and Pegmatites Crystallization of Indertiskiy Granitoid Massif According to Biotite Chemical Compound (Mongolian Altay)Baeva A & Bukharova O
(2013) Geochemical Types of Tantalum and Niobium Mineralization from the Rare Metal-Bearing Granites and Pegmatites of the Western Mongolia
Bukharova O & Baeva A
(2013) The Distribution of LILE and HFSE in the Magmatic Hydrothermal Systems of Mylonites on the Example of the Detachment-Closed Metamorphic Block (Eastern Trans-Baikalian Region, Russia)
Tishin P, Bukharova O & Kremer I