All abstracts by Wafa Achouak in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Biodegradation Kinetics of Organic Micropollutants in Planted or Unplanted Columns Simulating an Innovative Reed Bed Filter Treating Runoff WaterRoux J, Chibane N, Seidl M, Neveu P, Achouak W, Barakat M, Boudahmane L, Caupos E, Alphonse V, Livet A & Bousserrhine N
(2014) Nanotubular Alumino-Silicates and Analogues (Imogolites): Formation and Biological Interactions
Masion A, Avellan A, Levard C, Lui W, Auffan M, Achouack W, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F & Rose R
(2013) Environmental Fate and Impacts of Ceria Nanomaterials: Distribution, Transformation and Bioaccumulation within Aquatic Mesocosms
Tella M, Brousset L, Auffan M, Issartel J, Pailles C, Artells E, Thiery A, Santaella C, Achouack W, Massion A, Kieffer I, Rose J, Bottero J-Y & Espinasse B
(2013) Natural Uranium Ores Host Iron-Reducing and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria as Demonstrated by High Throughput Sequencing and Cultural Approaches
Mondani L, Benzerara K, Carriere M, Christen R, Fevrier L, Achouak W, Nardoux P, Berthomieu C & Chapon V
(2006) Interactions between manufactured nanoparticles and individual cells
Rose J, Auffan M, Zeyon O, Decome L, Thill A, Orsiere T, Labille J, Achouak W, Flank A-M, Wiesner M, DeMeo M & Spalla O
(2000) The Tatahouine Meteorite: A Case Study of Life Under Extreme Conditions
Gillet P, Achouak W, Barrat J, Benzerara K, Guyot F, Heulin T, Lemelle L & Lesourd M