All abstracts by Lyle Whyte in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Organic and Isotopic Biomarkers of Antarctic Endolith Microbial CommunitiesBrady AL, Goordial J, Davila AF, Whyte L & Slater GF
(2014) Bioavailabiilty and Chemistry of Arctic Soil Carbon
Ziolkowski L, Slater G, Whyte L, Onstott T & Townsend-Small A
(2013) Experimental Evolution of Dissimilatory S Isotope Fractionation
Pellerin A, Mykyczuk N, Austin R, Zane G, Whyte L, Wall J & Wing B
(2012) Composition of SOM in the Canadian High Arctic
Sanders R, Sleighter R, Onstott T, Whyte L, Hatcher P & Myneni S
(2012) Evolutionary Response of S Isotope Fractionation by Sulfate Reducing Microorganisms
Pellerin A, Mykytczuk N, Zane GM, Whyte L, Wall J & Wing B
(2012) Analog Studies of Brine Cryoenvironments in the Canadian High Arctic
Mykytczuk N, Twine S, Wing B, Foote S, Fulton K, Greer C & Whyte L