All abstracts by Melanie Wenzel in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Mineral Lung DustWenzel M, Kuhn B, Grobéty B & Gieré R
(2014) Characterization of Lung Dust
Wenzel M, Seeholzer F, Kuhn B, Grobéty B & Gieré R
(2013) Ambient Aerosol Measurements and Particle Characterization at Highly Frequented Motorways in Germany
Dietze V, Baum A, Kaminski U, Surkus B, Stille P, Wenzel M & Gieré R
(2013) Geochemical Characterization of Tire-Wear Particles
Wenzel M, Dietze V, Stille P & Gieré R
(2012) Tire-Wear Particles and their Impact on Human Lung Cells
Wenzel M, Ebeling S, Merfort I, Dietzte V & Giere R