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All abstracts by Lin Wang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Thermal State in the Earth's Liquid Outer Core, Insight from Theoretical Predictions for the Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Iron and Iron-Silicon Alloys
Yin Y, Wang L, Zhai S & Liu Y

(2020) Late Cenozoic Vanishing of the Episodic Lakes in the Qaidam Basin, Western China
Cheng F, Li X, Guo Z & Wang L

(2019) Solubility Experiment in Subsystems of Sr-Mg-Al- Cl-H2O at 298 K
Yu X, Liu M, Zheng Q, Wang L, Huang Q, Li M, Zheng H & Zeng Y

(2018) Solubility Experiment in Subsystems of Sr-Ca-Mg- Cl-H2O at 298 K
Yu X, Wang L, Liu M, Zeng Y, Peng Y, Zhuge F & Feng S

(2012) In situ Determination of Crystal Structure of (Mg, Fe)SiO3
Zhang L, Yang W, Meng Y, Wang L, Zeng Q-S, Mao W & Mao H-K

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