All abstracts by Andrew Thomson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Water Content of Stishovite, Majorite, and Perovskite Inclusions in Juina Superdeep DiamondsShirey S, Hauri E, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Kohn S & Walter M
(2013) Water Content of Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey SB, Hauri EH, Thomson AR, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Kohn SC & Walter MJ
(2013) An Experimental Investigation of the Formation Mechanisms of Superdeep Diamonds
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G & Smith C
(2013) The Redox State of Diamond-Forming Fluids: Constraints from Fe3+/Fe2+ of Garnets
Burnham A, Kohn S, Potiszil C, Walter M, Bulanova G, Thomson A & Smith C
(2012) Evidence for the Role of Carbonate Melts in the Origin of Superdeep Diamond Inclusions from the Juina-5 Kimberlite, Brazil
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S, Russell B, Bulanova G, Araujo D & Smith C