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All abstracts by Martine Savard in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) High Temperature Calibration of Calcite Clumped Isotopes: When Theory Meets Experimentation
Jautzy J, Savard M, Dhillon R, Bernasconi S & Smirnoff A

(2016) Delineating Sources of Bitumen-Derived Acid Extractable Organics in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Ahad J, Pakdel H, Gammon P, Mayer B, Savard M, Peru K & Headley J

(2014) The Isotopic Imprints of Effluents from an Oil Sand Tailing Pond in Alberta, Canada
Harkness J, Warner N, Ulrich A, Millot R, Kloppmann W, Ahad J, Savard M & Vengosh A

(2012) Carboxyl Group delta13C Values of Naphthenic Acids: A Novel Approach to Source Discrimination
Ahad J, Pakdel H, Savard M, Peru K & Headley J

(2012) Metal Contaminant Emissions to Waters Surrounding a Large Tailings Pond: Athabasca Oil Sands, Alberta
Gammon P, Calderhead A, Savard M, Lefebvre R, Vaive J & Girard I

(2012) Historical Atmospheric Deposition of PAHs in Lakes East of the Athabasca Oil Sands Operations
Jautzy J, Ahad J, Gobeil C & Savard M

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