All abstracts by Laurence Robb in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) The Bushveld LIP after 100 Years; A Petrogenetic Update and quo VadisHughes H, Hawkesworth C, Kinnaird J, McDonald I, Bybee G & Robb L
(2019) Volcanological and Chemical Comparison of Rhyolites from Different Stratigraphic Units of the Rooiberg Group, Bushveld Magmatic Province
Jolayemi O, Robb L, Lenhardt N, Bybee G, Kinnaird J & Nex P
(2017) Atom Probe Tomography of Carlin Type Gold Mineralization
Gopon P, Auger M, Robb L, Moody M & Wade J
(2012) Multi-Tool Dating for Polymetallic Deposits (Antimony Line, RSA)
Jaguin J, Poujol M, Boulvais P, Ruffet G, Robb L, Bosse V & Paquette J-L