All abstracts by Camille Partin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) An Appraisal of Paleoproterozoic Oxygenation Trends in the Time of the Nuna SupercontinentPartin C
(2018) Cascading State Shifts in the Paleoproterozoic Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Lithosphere
Spencer C, Partin C, Kirkland C, Raub T & Liebmann J
(2016) Tungsten in Ancient Seawater: Did Early Microbes Like Heavy Metal?
Partin C, Robbins L, Lalonde S & Konhauser K
(2013) Filling in the Juvenile Magmatic Gap: Evidence for Continued Paleoproterozoic Plate Tectonics during the Great Oxidation Event
Partin C, Bekker A, Sylvester P, Wodicka N, Stern R, Chacko T & Heaman L
(2012) Great Oxidation Event: How Quickly did it Come and go?
Bekker A, Planavsky N, Scott C, Partin C & Rasmussen B
(2012) Fluctuations in Precambrian Atmospheric and Oceanic Oxygen Levels: A New Precambrian Paradigm Emerging?
Partin C, Bekker A, Planavsky N, Gill B, Li C, Podkovyrov V, Maslov A, Konhauser K, Love G & Lyons T