All abstracts by Aurelia Mouret in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Seasonnal Dynamics of Diagenetic Processes in an Intertidal Temperate Mudflat: The Mudsurv ProjectMetzger E, Mouret A, Choquel C, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Bénéteau E & Jesus B
(2021) Early Diagenetic Processes in an Eutrophic Estuarine System: Indices of Sediment Contribution to Summer Hypoxia of the Loire?
Hulot V, Metzger E, Schmidt S, Mouret A, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Derriennic H, Bénéteau E, Sanchez S & Maillet G
(2021) Symbiont Activity Impacts Mn/Ca Distribution in Foraminiferal Calcite
van Dijk I, Barras C, Mouret A, Reichart G-J & Geslin E
(2019) Benthic Manganese Cycle Studied with 2D High Spatial Resolution Methods at Contrasted Oxygen Conditions in Gullmar Fjord
Choquel C, Metzger E, Geslin E, Jauffrais T, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Filipsson H, Launeau P, Giraud M, Risgaard-Petersen N & Mouret A
(2019) 2D Redox Zonation in a Sediment Colonized by Tube-Dwelling Amphipods
Metzger E, Nicol A, Champilou J-B, Jauffrais T, Choquel C, Launeau P & Mouret A
(2019) Can the Addition of Bacterial Siderophores Help in the Phytoremediation of Vinyard Soils?
Randriamamonjy S, Gutierrez M, Rocco K, Gaudin P, Mouret A, Metzger E, Capiaux H, Lebeau T & Cornu JY
(2012) An Integrated Study with Benthocosms on the Impact of Different Functional Groups of Macrofauna on Benthic N-Processes in Coastal Sediments of the St. Lawrence Estuary
Mouret A, Chaillou G, Archambault P, Maranger R, Sundby B & Mucci A