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All abstracts by Kyle Larson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Assessing the Regional Thermal Overprint of the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone by Multiple in situ Geochronometers
Laureijs CT, Guilmette C, Godet A, Jouvent M, Darveau J, Larson K, Barré G & LaFlamme C

(2023) Repeated Melting of Archean Crust: New Evidence of the Progressive Differentiation of the Zimbabwe Craton
Koopmans L, Mapingere B, Palin RM, Mamuse A, Gardiner NJ, Larson K, Dyck B & Robb LJ

(2023) Vein-Hosted Glaucophane and Phengite in a Greenschist Facies Host: Differential Preservation or Compartmentalized Overpressure?
Ducharme T, Schneider D, Larson K, Camacho A, Soukis K & Grasemann B

(2022) Reconstructing Detailed P-T-T Paths of Kyanite-Bearing, Migmatitic Metapelites Through Combined Petrochronology and Garnet Diffusion Modelling
Gervais F & Larson K

(2020) Timing of Slip Across the South Tibetan Detachment System and Yadong-Gulu Graben, Eastern Himalaya
Dong H, Larson K, Kellett D, Xu Z, Li G, Cao H & Yi Z

(2012) Fingerprinting Himalayan Convergence Accommodation Processes
Larson K, Godin L & Cottle J

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