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All abstracts by William Curry in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2012) Reconstructing the Large-Scale Deep and Intermediate Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic during the LGM and Last Deglaciation
McManus J, Hoffmann S, Roberts N, Henry G, Bradtmiller L, Mohamed K, Jacard S, Yu J, Piotrowski A, Oppo D, Curry W, Praetorius M & Robinson L

(2012) Towards an Improved Understanding of Paleoceanographic Proxies for Antarctic Intermediate Water Circulation: A Core-Top Perspective
Huang K-F, Oppo DW, Curry WB & Blusztajn JS

(2010) Geochemical, Isotopic, and Physical Evidence for Vigorous Meridional Overturning Circulation at Mid-Depth in the Atlantic Ocean at the LGM
McManus JF, Major C, Mohamed K, Robinson L, Oppo D, Curry W, Yu J, Bradtmiller L & Jaccard S

(2008) Precise Calibration of Oxygen Isotope Paleotemperature Equations for Several Taxa of Benthic Foraminifera
Marchitto T, Bryan S, Curry W, Lynch-Stieglitz J & Lund D

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