All abstracts by Raoul-Marie Couture in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) Arsenic Sequestration during Early Diagenetic Sulfur RedistributionCouture R-M, Rose J, Wallschlaeger D & Van Cappellen P
(2012) Stable Pb Isotope Ratios as Mid-1800s Stratigraphic Markers for Sediments from Eastern Canada Lakes
Tessier A, Gobeil C & Couture R-M
(2012) Arsenic Bioremediation by Biogenic Iron Oxides and Sulfides
Omoregie E, Couture R-M, Van Cappellen P, Corkhill CL, Charnock J, Polya DA, Vaughan DJ, Vanbroekhoven K & Lloyd JR
(2012) Isotope Fractionation of Selenium during Sorption to Iron Oxide and Iron Sulfide Minerals
Mitchell K, Couture R-M, Johnson T, Mason PRD & Van Cappellen P
(2011) Sediment Diagenesis Modelling in a AMD Contaminated Reservoir
Torres E, Couture RM, Shafei B, Ruiz Cánovas C & Ayora C
(2011) Selenium Adsorption and Associated Selenium Isotope Fractionation
Mitchell K, Couture R-M, Johnson T, Mason P & Van Cappellen P
(2011) Geochemical Behavior of (Thio)arsenates with Fe-Minerals
Couture R-M, Wallschläger D, Mitchell K & Van Cappellen P
(2011) The Effect of Flood-Induced Redox Oscillations on Arsenic Mobility in a Calcareous Fluvisol
Parsons C, Couture R-M, Omoregie E, Roman-Ross G & Charlet L
(2010) Arsenic Sorption in Aquatic Sediments: Equilibrium, Kinetic and Mixed Modeling Approaches
Shafei B, Couture R-M & Van Cappellen P
(2010) Arsenic Dynamics in Lake Sediments
Couture R-M, Gobeil C, Tessier A, Shafei B & Van Cappellen P
(2009) Arsenic Reactions and Mobility along Redox Gradients in Lake Sediments
Couture R-M, Gobeil C & Tessier A
(2008) Chronology of Atmospheric Deposition of Arsenic Inferred from Reconstructed Sedimentary Records
Couture R-M, Gobeil C & Tessier A