All abstracts by Geraldo Boaventura in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Applying Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Electroplating Wastes in a Brazilian Lagoon SystemAraújo D, Boaventura G, Machado W, Viers J, Weiss D, Patchineelam S, Ruiz I, Rodrigues AP, Babinski M & Dantas E
(2013) Comparison of the Fe Isotope Composition of Unfiltered Waters, Dissolved and Particulate Fraction of the Amazon River and its Tributaries
Poitrasson F, Vieira L, dos Santos Pinheiro G, Mulholland D, Seyler P, Sondag F, Boaventura G & Pimentel M
(2012) Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Tropical Soils
Akerman A, Poitrasson F, Oliva P, Boaventura G, Vieira L, Audry S & Seyler P
(2006) Seasonality of dissolved element fluxes in the Amazon River Endmember
Barroux G, Seyler P, Sonke J, Viers J, Boaventura G, Sondag F & Lagane C