All abstracts by Jihong Cole-Dai in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Seasonal Cycles of Perchlorate in Antarctic Precipitation: Implications for Sources VariationJiang S, Shi G & Cole-Dai J
(2020) Snow Perchlorate in a Traverse Route from Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica
Jiang S & Cole-Dai J
(2019) Ice Core Evidence of Depleted Nitrate at Dome A, Antarctica
Jiang S, Shi G, Cole-Dai J, An C & Li Y
(2016) A 2840 Year Record of Nitrate and its Stable Isotopic Composition from the Dome a Ice Core, East Antarctica
Jiang S, Cole-Dai J, Li Y, Geng L, Ferris DG, Shi G, An C & Ma H
(2012) Isotopic Composition of Volcanic Sulfate Aerosols
Cole-Dai J, Savarino J, Lanciki A & Thiemens M
(2010) Glaciochemical Evidence of a Transitional Site of Atmospheric Circulation in East Antarctica
Zhou L, Li Y & Cole-Dai J
(2007) Climatic and Environmental Glaciochemical Records from a Climatic Interaction Region, East Antarctica over the Past 780 Years (1215-1996 a.D.)
Zhou L, Li Y & Cole-Dai J