All abstracts by Yuri Amelin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Thermal Processing of CAIs Revealed by Stable Isotopes of Refractory ElementsDi Y, Yin Q-Z, Tissot FLH & Amelin Y
(2023) Are Presolar Materials Preserved in Coarse-Grained CAIs from Allende? Insights from Step-Leaching Experiments
Charlier BLA, Tissot FLH & Amelin Y
(2022) The Prospect of Standard-Free “Absolute” Isotope Analysis by TIMS Using Incipient Emission and Total Evaporation Approaches
Amelin Y
(2020) Effect of Fractionation Rate on High-Precision Multidynamic TIMS Sr Isotope Analysis and the 84Sr Abundance of the Earth
Di Y, Krestianinov E & Amelin Y
(2020) Heterogeneous Nucleosynthetic 84Sr Anomalies within and Among CAIs
Di Y & Amelin Y
(2020) Rb-Sr Systematics of the Ungrouped Achondrites
Krestianinov E & Amelin Y
(2019) Helium Isotope Signatures of the Mantle Transition Zone
Timmerman S, Honda M, Burnham A, Amelin Y, Woodland S, Pearson G, Jaques L, Le Losq C, Bennett V, Bulanova G, Smith C, Harris J & Tohver E
(2018) Isotopic Composition of Potassium
Amelin Y & Merle R
(2017) New Determination of 40K Decay Constant: Preliminary Results
Merle R, Kossert K & Amelin Y
(2017) Was 26Al Heterogeneously Distributed in the Early Solar System?
Yin Q-Z, Sanborn M, Huyskens M & Amelin Y
(2016) Fractionation of Radiogenic Pb Isotopes Induced by Acid Leaching: A Pervasive Phenomenon in Pb-Isotopic Dating of Meteorites
Amelin Y, Yin Q, Koefoed P, Merle R, Huyskens M & Iizuka T
(2016) U–Pb Isotope Systematics of Eucrites: A Record of the Thermal History
Iizuka T, Yamaguchi A, Koefoed P, Hibiya Y & Amelin Y
(2016) U Isotopic Composition of Allende Chondrules and Implications for Pb-Pb Geochronology
Huyskens MH, Yin Q-Z, Sanborn ME, Amelin Y, Merle R & Yamashita K
(2015) Solar Initial 92Nb/93Nb Deduced from U-Pb Dated Achondrites
Iizuka T, Lai Y-J, Akram W, Amelin Y & Schönbächler M
(2014) Δ17O-ε54Cr Systematics as a Forensic Tool for Investigating Isotopic Domains in the Early Solar System
Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z, Yamakawa A, Irving AJ & Amelin Y
(2014) 53Mn-53Cr Systematics of Unique Achondrite Northwest Africa 6704
Sanborn M, Yamakawa A, Yin Q-Z, Wimpenny J, Amelin Y & Irving AJ
(2014) Uranium Distribution in Meteorites and Pb-Isotopic Dating
Amelin Y
(2013) Relating U-Th-Pb Ages of Accessory Minerals to Metamorphism: A Case Study from the Barrovian Sequence of the Central Alps, Switzerland
Boston K, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Amelin Y & Engi M
(2013) HIMU Lithospheric Mantle in the Southwest Pacific: Tracing the Roots of Zealandia
McCoy-West A, Bennett V & Amelin Y
(2013) Can Diffusion Cause Discrepant Lu-Hf Isochrons in Meteorites?
Debaille V, Yin Q-Z & Amelin Y
(2013) Indirect Dating of the Guadalupian-Lopingian Boundary
Huyskens M, Amelin Y, Nicoll RS & Metcalfe I
(2013) Performance of Pb Multi Ion Counting Array in Triton Plus TIMS
Amelin Y & Huyskens M
(2013) EARLYTIME: An Initiative to Evaluate and Improve U-Pb and Pb-Pb Dating of Meteorites
Connelly J, Amelin Y, Blackburn T & Condon D
(2012) Mechanisms Controlling 238U/235U Isotopic Fractionation in Low- and High-Temperature Environments
Stirling C, Kaltenbach A & Amelin Y
(2012) Nb-Zr Systematics of U-Pb Dated Achondrites
Iizuka T, Akram W, Amelin Y & Schoennbaechler M
(2011) Revised Ages of Angrites
Kaltenbach A, Stirling C & Amelin Y
(2011) A New Highly Effective Silicagel Emitter for Lead Isotopic Measurements
Huyskens M, Iizuka T & Amelin Y
(2010) “Chemical Abrasion” U-Pb Analysis of Chondrules
Amelin Y & Iizuka T
(2010) A 87Rb Decay Constant Accumulation Experiment
Rotenberg E, Davis D & Amelin Y
(2008) Ephemeral Evaporation History of the First Solids in the Early Solar System
Jacobsen B, Yin Q-Z, Moynier F, Amelin Y, Krot A, Nagashima K & Hutcheon I
(2007) Lu/Hf Ratio and Initial 176Hf/177Hf in the Solar System and the Earth
Amelin Y
(2006) Isotopic analysis of lead in sub-nanogram quantities by TIMS using 202Pb-205Pb spike: application to geochronology and cosmochronology
Amelin Y & Davis B
(2005) Decoupled Fractionation of Even- and Odd-Mass Isotopes of Pb in TIMS
Amelin Y, Davis D & Davis B
(2005) Determination of the <+>87<$>Rb Decay Constant by <+>87<$>Sr Accumulation
Rotenberg E, Davis D & Amelin Y
(2005) U-Pb Dating of Meteoritic Perovskite
Dunn S, Amelin Y & Nemchin A
(2004) I-Xe and Pb-Pb Ages of Individual Elenovka (L5) Chondrules
Pravdivtseva O, Amelin Y, Meshik A & Hohenberg C
(2004) Pb Isotopic Age of the CB Chondrite Gujba, and the Duration of the Chondrule Formation Interval
Amelin Y, Krot A & Twelker E
(2003) Sm-Nd in Zircon: An Imperfect Time Capsule
Amelin Y
(2003) Geochemical Test for Branching Decay of 176Lu
Amelin Y & Davis B
(2002) I-Xe and Pb-Pb Ages of Richardton Chondrules
Pravdivtseva O, Amelin Y, Hohenberg CM & Meshik AP
(2002) A Method of Determining Uraninite U-Pb Ages by SHRIMP II Ion Microprobe
Stern RA, Rayner N, Davis W, Amelin Y, Annesley I & Bonli T
(2002) Pb Isotopic Dating of Chondrules
Amelin Y, Rotenberg E & Krot A
(2002) Extreme U-Th-Pb Fractionation Among Hydrogenic Fracture-Coating Minerals in Felsic Tuffs at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA: Implications for Geochronology
Neymark L & Amelin Y
(2001) U-Pb Geochronology of Opal and Chalcedony
Neymark LA & Amelin Y
(2001) U-Pb Geochronology and Synergy of Isotopic Systems
Amelin Y
(2001) U-Pb Chronology of Pyroxenes from Ordinary Chondrites
Rotenberg E & Amelin Y
(2001) Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry and U-Pb Dating Constraints to Fluid Movement Through the Potential Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository
Wilson NSF, Cline JS & Amelin YV
(2000) Combined U-Pb and Sm-Nd Systematics of Early Archean Titanite
Amelin Y
(2000) U-Pb Zircon and Baddeleyite and U-Th-Pb Perovskite Ages for Siberian Flood Volcanism, Maymecha-Kotuy Area, Siberia
Kamo SL, Czamanske GK, Amelin Y, Fedorenko V & Trofimov V
(2000) Hf Isotopes in Zircon and Archaean Crustal Growth in the Western Superior Province
Davis DW, Amelin Y, Nowell G & Parrish R