All abstracts by Richard Christen in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Natural Uranium Ores Host Iron-Reducing and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria as Demonstrated by High Throughput Sequencing and Cultural ApproachesMondani L, Benzerara K, Carriere M, Christen R, Fevrier L, Achouak W, Nardoux P, Berthomieu C & Chapon V
(2012) Pyrosequencing Analysis of Bacterial Diversity in Tchernobyl Contaminated Trenches
Theodorakopoulos N, Christen R, Piette L, Fevrier L, Coppin F, Martin-Garin A, Le Marrec C, Sergeant C, Chapon V & Berthomieu C
(2011) Uranium Interactions with Bacterial Communities from Contaminated Soils in Chernobyl
Sergeant C, Theodorakopoulos N, Piette L, Vesvres M-H, Le Marrec C, Christen R, Coppin F, Fevrier L, Martin-Garin A, Berthomieu C & Chapon V