All abstracts by Rudolf Amann in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Microbial Polysaccharide Utilization in Sandy Surface Sediments of Isfjorden (Svalbard)Miksch S, Probandt D, Oggerin De Orube M, Jensen M, Amann R & Knittel K
(2010) Novel Groups of Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria in Coastal Sediments
Mußmann M, Lenk S, Arnds J, Zerjatke K, Moraru C & Amann R
(2009) Linking Microbial Activity to Cell Identity in the Environment Using NanoSIMS
Musat N, Halm H, Winterholler B, Hoppe P, Peduzzi S, Hillion F, Horreard F, Amann R, Jørgensen BB & Kuypers MMM
(2007) Black Sea Shelf Microbial Reefs
Arnds J, Knittel K, Boetius A & Amann R
(2007) Molecular and Geochemical Investigation of Sediments Covered with White Mats at the Logatchev Hydrothermal Vent Field
Schauer R, Roy H, Gennerich H-H, Meyerdierks A & Amann R
(2002) RNA as a Biomarker: Isolation of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA for Stable Isotopic Characterization
MacGregor BJ, Brüchert V, Fleischer S & Amann R
(2002) Diversity of Microorganisms Mediating Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Knittel K, Lösekann T, Boetius A, Nadalig T & Amann R