All abstracts by Allan Chivas in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) The Trace Element Composition of a Range of Modern and Archean Microbial CarbonatesMartin A, Unruh C, Lazarov M, Markowska M, Junginger A, Bischoff K, Chivas A & Weyer S
(2016) Past and Modern Weathering Conditions in the Murrumbidgee Basin (Australia)
Rothacker L, Dosseto A, Chivas A & Vigier N
(2013) Temporal Evolution of Subduction Signatures in a Continental Back-Arc
Espanon V, Dosseto A & Chivas A
(2009) Cosmogenic Neon Exposure Dating of Young Basalt Lavas in Australia
Honda M, Chivas A & Phillips D
(2006) Application of multivariate statistical techniques to soil geochemistry of southern Australia
Hemmati H & Chivas A