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All abstracts by Laurel Birch Childress in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Organic Carbon Burial over the Last 10 kyr by the Waipaoa River, NZ
Childress LB, Blair NE & Leithold EL

(2013) The Fate of Small Active Margin River POC in the Marine Environment
Blair N, Childress L, Ginnane C & Leithold L

(2011) Deciphering the Offshore Biogeochemical Record of Holocene Erosion in the Waipaoa Watershed, New Zealand
Leithold E, Blair N & Childress L

(2010) Resolving Organic Carbon of Differing Diagenetic/Catagenetic States in Riverine and Marine Sediments
Blair N, Fournillier K, Leithold E & Childress L

(2010) Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes as Proxies for Late Pleistocene to Holocene Environmental Change in the Waipaoa Sedimentary System, New Zealand
Childress L, Leithold E, Blair N & Brulet B

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