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All abstracts by Igor Chernyshev in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Sources of Neoproterozoic Metasediments of the Baikal-Patom Belt: Sm-Nd and Pb Isotope Data
Chugaev A, Budyak A & Chernyshev I

(2014) 238U and 235U Isotope Fractionation Under Water – U-Bearing Rock Interaction
Chernyshev I, Golubev V, Chugaev A & Baranova A

(2013) 238U/235U Variations in High- and Low-Temperature Uranium Deposits
Chernyshev I, Golubev V, Chugaev A & Baranova A

(2013) A Contribution from Radiogenic Isotope Study to Metal Source and Timing of Gold Orogenic Deposits: A Case of Nezhdaninsky Deposit, Yakutia, Russia
Chugaev A, Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Gamyanin G

(2011) Lead Isotope Composition Variations in Sulfides from Hydrothermal Fields of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: High-Precision MC-ICP-MS Isotope Data
Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Chugaev A

(2009) Variations of 107Ag/109Ag Isotope Ratio in Ore Deposits by High-Precision MC-ICP-MS
Chugaev A & Chernyshev I

(2009) The Case of Continuous Redistribution of Intermediate 238U Daughters Radionuclides Migration and Exotic U-Pb Age Discordance
Chernyshev I & Golubev V

(2007) High-Precision MC-ICP-MS Lead Isotope Analysis Using Tl-Normalization: Calibration and Applications to Lead Isotope Study of Ore Deposits
Chernyshev I, Chugaev A & Shatagin K

(2004) Metal Sources in Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Systems at Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Back-Arc Setting (Pacific): Pb Isotope Constraints
Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Golubev V

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