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All abstracts by Jun Chen in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Li Isotope Systematics during Hydrothermal Alteration of Brothers Submarine Volcano and Implication to Li Global Cycle
Cao C, Cai Y, Chen T & Chen J

(2023) Sustainable Weathering of Silicate Minerals Driven by Fungi
Li Z, Liu L, Lu X, Li G, Jin Z, Yin Z, Zhu M, Ji J & Chen J

(2023) Effects of Secondary Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution on Changjiang (Yangtze) River Chemistry and Estimates of Silicate Weathering Rates
Li S, Li G, Chen Y, Li W & Chen J

(2022) Chemical Weathering Controls on the Accumulation of Nickel in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivated in Basalt-Derived Paddy Fields
Wang H, Chen Y, Ji J & Chen J

(2022) Behavior of Stable Tungsten Isotopes on the Earth’s Surface
Yang R, Li T, Stubbs D, Chen T, Liu S, Kemp DB, Li W, Yang S, Chen J, Elliott T, Dellwig O, Chen J & Li G

(2022) Stable Tungsten Isotopic Composition of Seawater over the Past 80 Million Years
Li G, Yang R, Stubbs D, Elliott T, Li T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Ling H-F, Chen J, Hein JR & Coath CD

(2022) K Isotope Composition of IODP 376 Drilling Cores: Implications for Hydrothermal Alteration in Submarine Arc Volcanoes
Cao C, Cai Y, Li W, Chen T & Chen J

(2020) Tungsten Isotope Constraints on the Cenozoic Sulfur Cycle
Yang R, Elliott T, Chen T, Paytan A, Kemp DB, Li T, Ling H, Chen J, Hein JR, Coath C, Stubbs D & Li G

(2019) K Isotopic Responses to Silicate Weathering and Global K Cycling
Li W, Li S, Beard B, Raymo M, Chen Y & Chen J

(2018) Weathering Induced Fertile Continents for Tungsten Deposit
Yang R, Li G & Chen J

(2018) Insights into the End-Permian Mass Extinction from High-Precision U-Pb Geochronology: Progress and Future Prospects
Ramezani J, Shen S-Z, Chen J, Erwin D, Zhang H, Henderson C & Bowring S

(2017) Weathering Depletion of Continental Crust Constrained by the Carbon Cycle
Li G, Hartmann J, West J, Becker T & Chen J

(2017) Permian Large Igneous Provinces and their Paleo-Environmental Impacts
Xu Y-G, He B, Ma J-L, Chen J, Li J & Wei G

(2016) Cellular Dissolution at Hypha- and Spore-Mineral Interface
Li Z, Liu L, Chen J & Teng HH

(2013) Seasonal Variations of Chemical Weathering Rates and CO2 Consumption in Yangtze River Basin
Li S, Chen Y, Chen J & Ji J

(2013) Nd-Sr Isotopic Evolution of Asian Dust: Tectonic and Climatic Implications
Zhang W, Li G, Chen Z & Chen J

(2013) Spatial and Temporal Variability in Clay Mineral and Iron (Oxyhdr)oxide Minerals of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Suspended Sediment: Monsoon Controlling Weathering
Mao C, Chen J, Yuan X, Song Y & Ji J

(2012) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Effect of Organic Solvent on the Nucleation of Nesquehonite
Zhao L, Zhu C, Ji J, Chen J & Teng HH

(2011) Seasonal Variation in the Clay Mineral and Sr-Nd Isotopic Compositions of the Suspended Sediments of the Lower Changjiang River at Nanjing, China
Mao C, Chen J & Ji J

(2011) Mineral Chemistry of the Skarn Type Ores from Furong Tin Deposit in Hunan Province, P.R. China
Shuang Y, Chen J & Li H

(2011) Mineralogic and Climatic Interpretations of the Late Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay Formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Ji J, He T, Zhao L, Chen Y & Chen J

(2011) Kinetic Study of Brucite Carbonation
Zhu C, Zhao L, Gao X, Ji J, Chen J & Teng HH

(2010) Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Potential of Ultramafic Rocks in China
Sheng X, Chen J & Ji J

(2010) Prominent Half-Precessional Signal of East Asian Winter Monsoon in Chinese Loess Sequence
Liu L, Chen J & Ji J

(2010) Heterogeneous Carbonation in the MgO-H2O-CO2 System
Zhao L, Sang L, Chen J, Ji J & Teng HH

(2010) Bacterial Diversity in Loess Deposits, Chinese Loess Plateau
Huang S, Chen Y, Pan X, Cui Y, Ji J & Chen J

(2008) Interface Induced Crystallization of Carbonate Polymorphs
Teng H, Lin Y, Ji J & Chen J

(2008) Carbonate Weathering in Response to Monsoon Changes
Qiu L, Li G, Chen J & Yang X

(2007) Pedogenic Origin Dolomite Developed within Calcium Concretion of Tertiary Red Clay at Loess Plateau, China
Sheng X, Chen J & Ji J

(2007) εNd(0) Values of Different Grain Sizes of Eolian Sand and Dust, China
Rao W, Chen J & Ji J

(2007) Authigenic Carbonates in the Chinese Loess-Paleosol Sequence: Morphologic and Isotopic Study
Chen Y, Sheng X, Chen J & Ji J

(2007) Some Anaerobic Microbial Communities in Peat Bogs and the Influence on the Biogas Formation
Yao S, Chen J, Ding H & Zhang K

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