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All abstracts by Sumit Chakraborty in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Metamorphic Conditions Determined in the Granulites of Obudu Plateau Southeast Nigeria
Agbi I, Chakraborty S & Ekwueme BN

(2023) The 1631 a.D. Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Investigating the Dynamics and the Timescales of the Feeding System
Arienzo I, De Lucia M, Mormone A, Nave R, Marfè B, Cariddi B, Doronzo D, Pelullo C, Sparice D, Vertechi E, Di Vito MA, de Vita S, Carandente A, Nazzari M, Forlenza G, Montagna C, D'Oriano C, Colucci S, Petrosino P, Di Renzo V, D'Antonio M, Morgavi D, Petrelli M, Arzilli F, Balcone-Boissard H, Chakraborty S, Cecere D, Monaco A, Varriale G, Cioni R & Moretti R

(2023) Reading the Rock Record for a Hierarchy of Timescales
Chakraborty S

(2023) Evidence for Extremely Rapid (sub-Myr Timescales) UHT Metamorphic Sole Formation during Spontaneous Subduction Initiation in Nagaland – Manipur Ophiolite Belt, Indo-Myanmar Ranges
Bhowmik SK, Pradhan B, Lukose L, Sorcar N & Chakraborty S

(2022) Experimental Constraints on H Diffusion in Clinopyroxene at Low Temperatures (195 – 400℃): Implications for Re-equilibration at Shallow Depths
Bissbort T, Lynn KJ, Becker H-W & Chakraborty S

(2022) Chemically Induced Strain during Solid State Diffusion in Minerals: An Experimental Study Using Pyrope – Spessartine and Pyrope – Grossularite Diffusion Couples
Chakraborty S, Marquardt KT & Ganguly J

(2022) Combining Machine Learning and Petrology: Application to the Magma Plumbing Structure beneath Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
deGraffenried R, Leichter A, Almeev R, Wittich D, Portnyagin MV & Chakraborty S

(2020) Diffusivity of Phosphorous in Olivine Revisited: A Joint Experimental and Modeling Approach
Nelson W, Hammer J, Shea T & Chakraborty S

(2020) Lifetime of Zircons in Mafic Melts: The Role of Melt Transfer and Storage Modes in the Mantle and Crust
Cambeses A, Chakraborty S, Dohmen R, Sessing J, Montero P & Bea F

(2020) Lifetime of Individual Crystals in a Rock: Quantifying Crystal Size Distributions and Concentration Gradients Using the Phase-Field Method
Kundin J, Steinbach I & Chakraborty S

(2019) Concentration Dependence of Trace Element Diffusion in Minerals
Dohmen R & Chakraborty S

(2019) Subsolidus Cooling of Large Igneous Bodies – A Study of the Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland
Malz N, Faak K, Namur O & Chakraborty S

(2019) Understanding the Genesis of Charnockites from an Early Archean Mafic Crust: A Case Study from Coorg Massif, S. India
Basak S, Cambeses A & Chakraborty S

(2019) Pb Transport in CaTiO3 Controlled by Diffusion and Recrystallization Governed by Lattice Strain
Beyer C, Marquardt K, Vollmer C & Chakraborty S

(2018) Time Will Tell: Using Geospeedometry to Distinguish between Early Precambrian and Later Tectonic Styles
Chakraborty S, Chowdhury P & Gerya T

(2017) Constraining the P-T-T Architecture of a Tectono-Thermal Event at the Onset of Proterozoic Eon from Mineral Reaction History and Diffusion Modeling
Chowdhury P & Chakraborty S

(2017) Evolution of Mantle Viscosity Through Geological Time and its Implications for Geochemical Mixing in the Mantle
Chakraborty S, Beyer C & Dohmen R

(2014) Duality in Diffusion – One Element, One Mineral, Many Diffusion Coefficients
Chakraborty S, Borinski S & Dohmen R

(2014) Fe-Mg Diffusion in Spinel: New Experimental Data and a Point Defect Based Model
Vogt K, Dohmen R & Chakraborty S

(2013) Timescales of Metamorphism: A Hierarchical Distribution
Chakraborty S

(2013) Duration of Prograde Metamorphism in the Inverted Barrovian Sequence, Sikim Himalaya, India
Anczkiewicz R, Chakraborty S, Dasgupta S & Mukhopadhyay D

(2013) The Complex Dynamics of Collisional Orogens Unveiled by Numerical Modeling
Faccenda M, Gerya T & Chakraborty S

(2013) Constraining the Thermal History of an Ultra-Hot Orogen from Metamorphic Reaction History and Garnet-Orthopyroxene Diffusion Modelling Studies
Bhowmik SK & Chakraborty S

(2013) Characterizing Magma Migration Dynamics beneath Mt. Etna Using Combined Kinetic and Thermodynamic (MELTS) Modelling
Kahl M, Chakraborty S, Costa F & Pompilio M

(2012) Accuracy of Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Garnet Dating
Anczkiewicz R, Chakraborty S, Dasgupta S & Mukopadhyay D

(2011) Silicon Self-Diffusion in Forsterite, Revisited
Fei H, Katsura T, Chakraborty S, Dohmen R, Hegoda C, Yamazaki D, Wiedenbeck M, Yurimoto H, Shcheka S, Pollok K & Audétat A

(2010) Insights from Modeling Superposed and Coupled Metamorphic Processes
Chakraborty S

(2009) Tracing Magma Mixing Under Mt. Etna Using Combined Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling
Kahl M, Costa F & Chakraborty S

(2009) Modelling Infiltration Driven Reactions Using Experiments: Coupled Dissolution-Precipitation and Exchange Reaction between Spinel Grains in the Presence of Water
Mueller T, Dohmen R & Chakraborty S

(2009) Timing of Melting in Collisional Orogenies
Rubatto D, Hermann J, Berger A, Engi M & Chakraborty S

(2009) How Mountains are Made out of Molehills: The Link between Geological Episodes and Events as Revealed by Kinetic Studies
Chakraborty S

(2008) Numerical Modelling of Continental Collision, Oceanic Subduction and Related Geodynamical Processes
Faccenda M, Gerya T, Burlini L & Chakraborty S

(2007) Numerical Modeling of Continental Plate Retreating and Crustal Recycling
Faccenda M, Gerya T, Chakraborty S & Minelli G

(2007) Geospeedometry as a Tool for Identifying Different Lithotectonic Packages in Higher Himalayan Crystallines, Sikkim, India
Chakraborty S & Dasgupta S

(2007) The 1991-1993 Eruption of Mt. Etna: Timescales and Nature of Magma Recharge and Mixing
Kahl M, Costa F & Chakraborty S

(2006) Subduction and exhumation rates in crustal rocks from textural relations and diffusion modelling
Faryad SW & Chakraborty S

(2005) Lithium-Gesopeedometry: Quantifying Rapid Geological Processes
Coogan L, Kaseman S & Chakraborty S

(2005) Time Scales of Mafic-Silicic Magma Interactions
Costa F & Chakraborty S

(2004) Geochemistry of Arsenic in Deltaic Sediment
Chatterjee D, Chakraborty S, Nath B, Jana J, Mukherjee P & Sarkar M

(2004) Time Scales of Igneous Differentiation Obtained from Diffusion Modeling of Compositional Zoning in Olivine
Costa-Rodriguez F & Chakraborty S

(2004) Fast Diffusion of Si and O in San Carlos Olivine Under Hydrous Conditions
Chakraborty S & Costa F

(2002) A Diffusion Model for Calculating Magma Residence Times Using Trace Element Zoning in Plagioclase
Chakraborty S, Costa F & Dohmen R

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