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All abstracts by Anton Chakhmouradian in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Carbonatites: Evolution of High-Grade REE Mineralization and Subsequent Processes Driving Economic Exploration
Kynický J, Magna T, Chakhmouradian A, Vašinová Galiová M, Krmíček L, Rapprich V, Song W, Brtnický M, Urubek T, Smith M & Xu C

(2020) Silicate Rocks Associated with Carbonatites in Plate-Collision Settings: Their Origin, Evolution and Significance for Rare-Earth Exploration
Chakhmouradian A

(2020) Under-Studied Carbonatites and REE Deposits: The Example of Mongolia
Kynicky J, Wenlei S, Smith M, Kotlánová MK, Krmíček L, Urubek T, Brtnický M, Xu C, Chen W & Chakhmouradian A

(2017) Calcic Garnets as a Promising U-Pb Geochronometers
Salnikova E, Chakhmouradian A, Stifeeva M, Reguir E & Nikiforov A

(2013) REE Mobility in Carbonatites: Insights from the Trace-Element Composition of Dolomite
Reguir E & Chakhmouradian A

(2013) Rare-Earth Deposits in Igneous Rocks: A Mineralogist’s Perspective
Chakhmouradian A, Zaitsev A & Reguir E

(2011) REE Mineralization of High Grade REE-Ba-Sr and REE-Mo Deposits in Mongolia and China
Kynicky J, Xu C, Chakhmouradian A, Reguir K, Cihlarova H & Brtnicky M

(2011) REE Deposits in China
Xu C, Kynicky J & Chakhmouradian A

(2011) The Largest Deposit of Strategic REE, Bayan Obo, Geological Situation and Environmental Hazards
Cihlarova H, Kynicky J, Cheng X, Song W, Chakhmouradian A & Reguir K

(2007) Contrasting Evolutionary Trends in Magnetite from Carbonatites and Alkaline Silicate Rocks
Reguir E, Halden N, Chakhmouradian A, Yang P & Zaitsev A

(2007) Murmanite Lujavrites: A Neglected Member of the Peralkaline Intrusive Sequence at Lovozero (Kola, Russia)
Chakhmouradian A & Mitchell R

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