All abstracts by Renat Almeev in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) The Effects of Experimentally Induced Zircon Annealing on Melt Inclusion-Zircon Geochemistry: A Case Study of Archean Zircon from the Barberton ComplexGonzalez JP, Blum TB, Kitajima K, Shimizu K, Spicuzza MJ, Almeev R, Kamo S, Sobolev AV, Bonamici C & Valley JW
(2023) Constraining Magma Storage and Dynamics from Complexly Zoned Crystal Cargoes: Snake River Plain Volcanic Province, USA
Waelkens CM, Holtz F, Almeev R & Shervais JW
(2023) A General Approach to Quantify Phase Equilibria and Silicate Mineral Stability Fields in Calc-Alkaline Basaltic Systems
Marxer F, Almeev R & Holtz F
(2023) U-Nb-Sc-Ce-Yb-Ti in Zircons and H2O in Zircon Melt Inclusions: Insights into the Tectono-Magmatic Origin of 2, 736 Ma Volcanics from the Superior Province
Shimizu K, Almeev R, Blum T, Bonamici C, Davis D, Fournelle JH, Holtz F, Kitajima K, Kita NT, Nachlas WO, Sobolev AV, Spicuzza MJ & Valley JW
(2023) Nb & Sc in 4.4 to 2.7 Ga Zircons: Contrasting Hadean Sources for Jack Hills vs. Barberton
Valley JW, Blum T, Shimizu K, Kitajima K, Spicuzza MJ, Kita NT, Almeev R, Holtz F, Sobolev AV & Cavosie AJ
(2022) Combining Machine Learning and Petrology: Application to the Magma Plumbing Structure beneath Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
deGraffenried R, Leichter A, Almeev R, Wittich D, Portnyagin MV & Chakraborty S
(2017) Liquid Immiscibility at <850℃: Evidence from Melt Inclusions in Zircon of the Basal Bushveld Complex
Gudelius D, Zeh A, Wilson AH & Almeev R
(2017) Timescales of Olivine Re-equilibration by Diffusion in Primitive Basalts from Shatsky Rise (IODP Site U1349)
Oeser M, Almeev R & Weyer S
(2016) Volcanic Glasses from Exp. 352 Cores
Reagan M, Brounce M, Almeev R, Shimizu K, Ryan J & Pearce J
(2015) Cotectic Compositions: A New Geobarometer for Dry Rhyolites
Wilke S, Bolte T, Almeev R, Christiansen EH & Holtz F
(2014) The Role of H2O on Multiple Saturation, the Case of Shatsky Rise Ocean Plateau Basalts
Almeev R, Husen A & Holtz F
(2014) Experimental Constraints on the Formation of Basanites-Phonolite Series (Cumbre Vieja, La Palma)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
(2013) Experimental Constraints on the Magma Evolution of the Basanite-Phonolite Series from Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
(2013) Assimilation of Hydrothermally Altered Crust at Slow Spreading Ridges
van der Zwan F, Devey C, Augustin N, Basaham A, Bantan R, Fietzke J & Almeev R
(2012) Tracing Seawater-Rock Interaction in Slow Spreading Oceanic Crust: Precise Chlorine Measurements in MORB by Microprobe
van der Zwan FM, Fietzke J, Devey CW, Almeev RR & Haase KM
(2011) Highly Depleted Melt Inclusions in Olivine from Shatsky Rise
Almeev R, Portnyagin M, Wengorsch T, Sano T, Natland J & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2011) Crystal-Rich Basaltic Andesites of the Current Arenal Eruption in Light of Experiments with Crystal-Poor Basalt
Parat F, Streck M, Holtz F & Almeev R
(2011) Magma Storage Conditions of Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka
Shishkina T, Almeev R, Botcharnikov R, Holtz F & Portnyagin M
(2011) Geothermobarometry of Basaltic Glasses from Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau
Husen A, Almeev R, Shimizu K, Sano T, Natland JH, Koepke J & Holtz F
(2011) Phase Equilibria Constraints on the Magma Evolution of Basanite-Phonolite Series of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
(2011) Preliminary Estimates on Magma Storage Conditions of the Heise Volcanic Field, Snake River Plain
Bolte T, Erdmann M, Nash B, Cathey H, Almeev R & Holtz F
(2009) Solubility of H2O and CO2 in Low-K High-Al Island-Arc Basalt from Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka
Shishkina T, Botcharnikov R, Almeev R, Holtz F & Portnyagin M
(2009) Experimental Phase Relation in Lamprophyric Magmas from Agardag Dike Complex, Russia
Kalugin V, Almeev R, Botcharnikov R, Holtz F & Dziony W
(2009) Experimental Constraints on Rhyolite Magma Genesis, Yellowstone Hotspot
Almeev R, Holtz F, Kuschel L, Nash B & Cathey H
(2007) Origin and Evolution of Ultrapotassic Plutonic Rocks (Durbachite Series, Trebíc Massif, Czech Republic): Petrological and Experimental Approach
Parat F, Holtz F, Rene M & Almeev R
(2007) The Effect of Minor H2O Content on Crystallization in MORB: Experiments, Model, Applications
Almeev R, Holtz F, Koepke J & Ariskin A
(2007) Experimental Evidence for Rapid Re-equilibration of Water between Melt Inclusions in Olivine and Host Magma
Portnyagin M & Almeev R
(2003) From High-Mg Basalts to Dacites: Continued Crystal Fractionation in the Klyuchevskoy-Bezymianny Magma Plumbing System, Kamchatka
Almeev R, Kimura J, Ozerov A, Ariskin A & Barmina G